We Provide

Vestibular Management

The vestibular system is a complex structure located in the inner ear which is responsible for providing the brain with information about motion, head position and spatial orientation. It also is involved with motor functions which allow you to keep your balance, stabilize your head during movement, and maintain posture.

The vestibular system has three semi-circular canals in your ear which each contain calcium carbonate crystals (otoconia). When the head moves in any direction, correspondingly these crystals also move through fluid within these canals. Receptors in the canals inform the brain in which direction the crystals have moved, in order to determine where the head is orientated.

Sometimes the vestibular system becomes dysfunctional; crystals can become displaced, fluid can build up, and the vestibular system or surrounding nerves can become infected. This means the brain is uncertain of where it is in space, which can cause disorienting vestibular symptoms.

Vestibular symptoms may include

Vertigo (room spinning sensation), Dizziness and light-headedness, Motion sickness, Poor balance, Tinnitus (ringing in ears), Sudden one-sided hearing loss

Your treatment will be individualised, but can include

Education on the cause of your dizziness, Advice in managing this, Personalised exercises you can do at home to help your dizziness which will vary depending on the cause; If Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the cause of your dizziness then you will be shown how you can restore the crystals to where they should be.

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We can help with:

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Meniere‘s disease
  • Vestibular neuritis
  • Acute vestibular dysfunction post-operatively
  • Post-concussion vestibular symptoms